Gum Disease Treatment


Whenever you eat or drink something, a sticky layer of food debris forms on your teeth. This layer, called dental plaque, offers a highly conducive environment for harmful bacteria to grow and replicate. However, dental plaque can be easily removed through brushing. Gum or periodontal problems start to develop when you ignore regular oral hygiene maintenance. The plaque remains adhered to your teeth for a long time and ultimately hardens to form tartar.


Bacteria utilize sugars from the plaque and tartar for their growth and release a toxic byproduct during their metabolism. These poisonous byproducts irritate the gum tissue and destroy the fibers that attach the teeth to the gums and jawbone. As a result, V-shaped cavities or pockets begin to form between the gums and the teeth. If the situation is not resolved in a timely manner, then the infection progresses deeper into the periodontal tissues and the jawbone. This can cause extensive bone degradation and, ultimately, tooth loss. 


You can minimize the risk of gum disease by brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day. Regular dental checkups and a professional cleaning every three to six months go a long way in preventing gum disease. However, once gum disease has set in, our dentist can take specific measures to reverse the damage. Here are some procedures we follow for periodontal treatment: 


The first step is a professional cleaning. This procedure is aimed at reversing gum swelling, tenderness and bleeding. We use an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque and tartar deposits from teeth. After cleaning, we will then smooth out the tooth surfaces to prevent future infection. This is the basic level of treatment and is usually sufficient when followed by periodic touch-up treatments.


Once the infection progresses into an advanced stage, we may recommend a surgical procedure to prevent further damage. Sometimes, a pocket reduction procedure is needed. In this procedure, we will partially pull the gum off your tooth or teeth and do a thorough cleaning of that area. After cleaning, we will then replace and re-attach the gums to the teeth.


We may use regenerative procedures when there is a problem with bone growth. The regenerative procedure involves partially pulling the gums from the teeth and using advanced tissue regenerative techniques to encourage bone growth in the region.


In this procedure, we help restore the aesthetics of teeth that appear shortened due to excessive gum tissue growth, which is caused by gingival irritation. We will move the visible gumline farther away from the tip of the tooth to convert a “gummy” smile into a more aesthetically pleasing smile.


If there is a significant problem with a patient’s gum growth, a tissue graft may be necessary. We will take a soft tissue graft from the palate or another place on the body and graft it onto the patient’s gums to encourage and stimulate growth and gum health.

Call Pro Smiles OC today at 949-880-6638 to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Ivan Ho, and learn more about getting gum disease treatment in Laguna Hills, California.